Help in finding housing, French schools

This housing search and francophone school program works through Gaffo-facilitated matching between volunteers and women and their newcomer children in Toronto who want to settle in the Scarborough area.

These volunteers help new immigrant women in the housing search process and assist them with interpreting to facilitate communication between them and various funders.

As the Gaffo is a Francophone organization, it also promotes the French language and encourages francophone immigrant women who use its services to enroll their children in the Francophone school system in order to transmit our Francophone values to our children and thus perpetuate our language and our cultural values as the francophone minority in Ontario. Parents not only receive information about French schools, but are also accompanied by our volunteers in the various stages to obtain registration for children.

Help with job search

This 20-week program allows participants to receive support and advice to develop effective job search strategies based on individual career goals. With 90% of the participants in this program being newcomers, they participate in trainings and workshops to help them learn about cultural differences, understand the Ontario labor market, help them find a job, and help them find jobs. be better equipped to keep it.

Participants who have shortcomings in the use of the computer will also have a quick coaching thanks to the dedication of our volunteers and the diverse range of miscellaneous computer equipment owned by the Gaffo who has a special partnership with the Renewed Computer Technology Program. ( »,

Participants who live below the poverty line may also purchase a computer as part of our partnership with « the Renewed Computer Technology Program. ( » has a very affordable price in order to help them speed up their initiation into the use of this tool and make their job search process easy.