Domestic violence prevention
GAFFO provides training being made up of 90% young immigrant girls and women from countries where they experience all forms of violence against them and their children, it offers its members opportunities to learn techniques to faced with these situations of violence.
The GAFFO conducts training sessions in areas such as Intimate Partner Violence, Child Abuse and Neglect, Forced Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation, Youth Dating Violence, All Training provided to GAFFO are adapted to the cultural level of its members. Our various craft activities are also adapted to violence prevention.
As part of the prevention of family violence, the GAFFO runs discussion and sharing clubs according to the age groups of the participants, in this case the youth club and the seniors club.
The GAFFO has a volunteer service who can listen to its members and even describe to them different choices available to them. Our volunteers can also direct clients to a lawyer, if necessary, or to other services, such as psychological assistance services, financial assistance, doctor services, women's centers and others.

Women victims of domestic violence
I also call on all African women affected by domestic violence to loosen their tongues and denounce the abuses of which they are victims daily. Support services are also available to them and they can benefit on simple request. Life is also good, even without being married.
Akuya Fonsa
Nancy Obomo